Frequently Asked
? Questions ?

How can you have consensual interactions when you're blindfolded in a nonverbal, nonsexual & touch positive space?
I get this question a lot and it's understandable given the close and intimate space participants share.
At the beginning of Wombology before we dive into the blindfield we have a conversation about what our consent agreements and exploring the space together. As long everyone is clear on what those agreements are and honor those agreements.. then we are welcome to play creatively and freely within the agreed upon container.
To further assist with boundary navigation we use simple and easy nonverbal hand signals that we go over at the beginning.
By giving the participants the tools to navigate their comfort zone within our container of consent agreements, it allows the facilitator and sighted safety to focus on hotspots of movement activity to help where it's needed.
After each round we circle up and have a verbal accountability check in to share how things are going and assess any challenges that arise.
This activity is designed in such a way that it only works if participants abide by the consent agreements. Those that violate those agreements risk being removed and banned from future Wombology events.
Can I take off my blindfold and watch?
We really encourage this as a participant activity.. rather than one with spectators.. so we'd like to you come to an event with the intention of at least trying it out. Though we understand that it can be a new and intense experience for some and don't want anyone to feel trapped by their experience. So you're welcome to take off the blindfold as needed and remove yourself from the flow.
If you'd like to reenter the blindfield we ask that you quietly signal the facilitator and they will let you know when it's a good moment.
They will request that you bring down your blindfold, turn your back to the group and wait for a double tap before entering.
That said .. it truly is quite magical and mesmerizing to watch and invite all to step back and take a moment to do so if they wish.
Can I get hurt?
Wombology has been around since 2006 and to this day there have been no injuries aside from the occasional bump or whack.
We have a sighted safety at all times who is watching for anyone who might need assistance and during the intro we go over basic safe movement practices to keep the flow ~ slow & low ~
We encourage navigating your way through the blindfield with the back of your hand so that other participants don't feel touched inappropriately.
These things along with our nonverbal communication tools have done a wonderful job at providing a growing sense of safety and trust.
Can I be triggered?
Wombology can be a very new and at times challenging experience for participants especially for those who have past trauma involving touch.
Over the years I have had many who have had past trauma come up to me afterward and say it was very healing for them to be in a touch positive space of creative playfulness and feel a sense of freedom.
The space of intimacy we share during this activity is not without its risks however and I as a facilitator can only do my best to help everyone have a positive experience.
Sometimes it is the loving trust itself and peoples experience of it that can bring up fond memories of loving touch and at times old wounds from the past.
It is important that each person who wishes to participate evaluate their own readiness to explore in this activity. To know it can bring up challenges and be willing to face them if they arise.
The facilitators are their not only to guide, but to provide valuable insight during and after an event. A good facilitator will recognize when a participant might be processing something and may come to check in.. and we're always available after to discuss and help with any challenges that arise.
Are events filmed?
Public Wombology events are not filmed and there are no pictures allowed unless it is explicitly stated to be a promotional event where those things will take place.
There's a beautiful unfolding in our freedom of expression when our movements don't feel judged by the sight of others ~ this is a dynamic part of what makes Wombology so magical.
We will have private invite only events that are filmed from time to time with consent.
Where can I find an event?
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic we have suspended all in person events. Though Wombology has been around since 2006 there have been breaks that lasted years and we have come to appreciate that good things come to those that wait. We are very patient and in no hurry to put people at risk.. as such it maybe sometime before we host in person events again.
That said Wombology is mesmerizing to watch! And due to the pandemic we're now offering videos of blindfolded dancing. So if you'd like to see deep dives into the blindfield and endless streams of creative blindfolded movement please visit our YouTube channel to see short videos and consider joining our Patreon to watch longer videos and full 3 round dives into the blindfield.
We also have an ongoing Facebook group and Instagram where we post tasteful pictures of blindfolded art, videos and articles related to the neurological aspects of sightlessness.
Can I facilitate a Wombology event?
Blindfolds have been one of the most ancient tools for exploring inner worlds both somatically and spiritually. I encourage everyone to explore these kinds of movement technology. However over the years Wombology and the name that goes with this has been refined to have a sense of integrity and part of that integrity comes from the format and tools we use during facilitation.
I've had many people ask me to train them to facilitate events over the years and I'm excited to offer this in the future. I recognize how fortunate I am after my scooter accident and breaking many bones that I can still engage in this activity. It has been very healing for me. But I also recognize that with the injuries I've sustained my time as a facilitator is limited and need to pass the torch.
Being a Wombology facilitator is a wonderful honor and it has given me so much pleasure over the years to have shared this and seen it be a positive thing in so many lives. It is not always an easy task however and one much approach it with the same reverence one would with any healing modality and the challenges that can arise.
Future facilitators will be instructed on all aspects of Wombology events, from event marketing, the intro activity which is designed to ease a wide variety of participants to ease mindfully into a deep and profound sense of connection, physical and emotional safety, as well as safe venue evaluation.
Though to really learn how to facilitate properly you need to attend and help be a sighted safety for events which aren't happening right now.
So stay tuned for future offerings.. and I look forward to passing the torch when its safe to do so.
Eventually trained facilitators will be able to use the Wombology website to share events and our Patreon page will feature videos from trained facilitators who than can be directly supported by members and fans.
Ethan Clarkmoore
Creator and founder of Wombology, Ethan has been facilitating and refining these blindfolded events for over 15 years